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Ashley Carter
Spring '23

Q: What was the beginning of the work?
A: most of this work started this year with found objects and memories of the closets in my childhood home in upstate new york.
Q: Where did it happen?
A: mostly in my studio, on a remote street across from a train yard in commerce.
Q: How did you feel about in the beginning?
A: playful and energized
Q: How do you feel about it now?
A: lighter but a bit shy
Q: What changes occurred in your life while making it?
A: a great unfolding an alchemical release an awkward purge
Q: What things were you enjoying while you made this it?
A: working outside. conversations with studio mates, lots of baths.
Q: What were your most consumed foods during this time?
A: congee, kitchari, canned sardines, zankou chicken
Q: How have you been changed since making it?
A: I'm a little more free and a little more fragile
Q: When you were making this, did you exclusively focus on it or were you working on other things simultaneously?
A: In this case, i made many things at once rather loosely and brought most of it to install. i didn't decide on what or wouldn't be shown until that day. decisions were made.
Q: When did you name it?
A: I've had the title for a few years. while attending a jungian workshop in 2018, i was given the assignment of making a mandala drawing, reflecting my "spiritual journey'. i wanted to escape the group dynamic and hid in the coat room to make my mandala. i thought it was a funny title at the time and it felt appropriate for this context.
Q: Did you make notes or sketches for it?
A: Many notes and a few tiny models made of clay, tape and bamboo skewers.
Q: Do you concern yourself with your reasons for making it?
A: yes! i can't help myself!
Q: What have been the consequences of what you made?
A: see question 8
Q: Are you trying to evoke specific feelings for other people with it?
A: feelings yes. Specific, no.
Q: What were your most important tools in the process of making this?
A: Pleasure and ambivalence
Q: How difficult was it to make?
A: I'm coming off taking a long break from making work in a studio. I had to sift through a lot of internal banter, blocks and rusty ideas to get into a flow of making that felt pleasurable and fun.
Q: What organ of the body do you associate with it?
A: the lungs
Q: What quality of your personality do you associate with it?
A: gravity and fatigue
Q: How long do you intend for this to live in the world?
A: Undecided
Celia Hollander
Spring '23

Marisa Takal
Spring '23

Q: What was the beginning of the work?
A: Over many years, the boxes started in 2017 and the painting ideas came around 2020
Q: Where did it happen?
A: at my studios over the years
Q: How did you feel about it in the beginning?
A: The boxes felt fun to make the paintings are always hard. The “faith” painting started with an idea of skinny stripes on skinny canvas which I was excited about
Q: How do you feel about it now?
A: I feel complete and curious
Q: What changes occurred in your life while making it?
A: everything
Q: What things were you enjoying while you made it?
A: I worked on one of the paintings outside and I loved it.
Q: What were you repulsed by?
A: indecision
Q: What were your most consumed foods during this time?
A: sandwiches, pretzels, roasted cauliflower
Q: How have you been changed since making it?
A: I feel more relaxed and excited about making things
Q: When you were making this, did you exclusively focus on it or were you working on other things simultaneously?
A: I worked on many things at once
Q: When did you name it?
A: I named them a few days before the opening.
Q: Did you make notes or sketches for it?
A: Abstract notes and sketches
Q: Do you concern yourself with your reasons for making it?
A: always
Q: What have been the consequences of what you made?
A: a piece of mine broke and that made me really sad but also made me feel more precious about what I make
Q: Are you trying to evoke specific feelings for other people with it?
A: Warmth, curiousity, smiles
Q: What were your most important tools in the process of making this?
A: Patience, laughing
Q: How difficult was it to make?
A: Pretty hard, like everything else
Q: What organ of the body do you associate with it?
A: Brain
Q: What quality of your personality do you associate with it?
A: I'm curious I ask a lot of questions I experiment
Q: How long do you intend for this to live in the world?
A: forever
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